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2012 Bowfest promises ‘mammoth’ fun

The new Bowfest board faced a tough decision as Bowen youth submitted over 50 individual and group entries to the Bowfest 2012 theme contest.

The new Bowfest board faced a tough decision as Bowen youth submitted over 50 individual and group entries to the Bowfest 2012 theme contest. Students from kindergarten to Grade 9 created a spectrum of ideas and made the selection panel's discussions lively and challenging. A large amount of effort and much creativity was evident in the entries, and we thank all students and teachers from BICS, IPS and Island Discovery Learning who took time to discuss, plan and execute their entries.

The theme for Bowfest is an important part of the parade as is the poster design for our annual community fair.

Prehistoric, the entry from Sabrina and Duncan Glave, was selected from the many entries because of its originality and the effort put into creating the poster design. As thanks to the winning entry, the school that the Glaves attend will be awarded $200 to further arts projects, and the family will receive a complimentary pass to Bowfest.The runner-upthemes were: Magic, WildWest and Zombies! Some of the submissions will be on display at Bowfest and will be added to the website soon. Just like naming a new kitten, we found that theming Bowfest is a challenging and thoughtful and fun process.

The newly-elected Bowfest board are Yvonne McSkimming, president; Peter Courtney, vice president; Pam Matthews, secretary; Ellen White, treasurer: and Sarah Haxby, board member. We hope that the community will be inspired by the theme, so get ready to have "mammoth" fun at Bowfest this year and tothink about Bowen's pre-history for this year's parade entries.

As always, Bowfest is created for and by islanders, and is a volunteer-driven event. If you would like to be included or are curious about opportunities to make our annual fun fair a success, please contact any board member or visit our website,

Peter Courtney

Bowfest board