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Birthdays for BICS

Birthdays for BICS is a new way to celebrate community spirit. The Parent Advisory Committee fundraiser operates through a website:

Birthdays for BICS is a new way to celebrate community spirit.

The Parent Advisory Committee fundraiser operates through a website: Parents, students, teachers and members of the Bowen community can pledge all or part of their birthday wish to the school. Friends and family can donate via the website instead of giving presents. You can easily add your birthday to the website, send the link to your friends and family, and they can donate in your name. Kids may only want to pledge part of their birthday it doesn't mean they won't also get presents or have a party with friends.

The funds raised will support the PAC technology budget at the school. PAC recently raised the funds to purchase 30 IPad2s and 15 new laptops, but the school needs more laptops, software and peripherals.

The website development was donated by Digitally Hip ( through the services of the uber-talented Leanne Romak. PAC cannot thank them enough for this generous donation that will grow over time.

So, go check it out and pledge your birthday, donate for a friend's birthday, or just learn more about BICS. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful school in our community and together we can make a great school even better! Besides, do you really need more STUFF for your birthday?

Kat Kelly Hayduk

PAC Fundraising Committee