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Bowen Nature Club looks forward to spring outings

This past weekend my family looked up from our garden to see a flock of snow geese fly overhead, their black-tipped white wings giving them away against the blue sky.

This past weekend my family looked up from our garden to see a flock of snow geese fly overhead, their black-tipped white wings giving them away against the blue sky. Spring is fully fledged! And spring with the Bowen Nature Club has been wonderful, too. In March, some of us spent three afternoons exploring Fairy Fen, Terminal and Killarney Creek's estuary, falls and salmon ladder, and Dorman Point. (F)unschool has been in full swing since January, and we're beginning to enjoy some particularly beautiful scenery on our weekly outings, as the spring warms up and the flowers bloom. Frogs are seen frequently now, and the antics of nest-building birds have been interesting, too. Edible wild greens are up all over the place, and the creeks have swelled, reflecting the sun to the underside of the trees they pass.
The Nature Club is looking forward to two more outings in May!
First, in early May, the Nature Club will be visiting Maplewood Mudflats to see the avian visitors are there. Managed by the BC Wild Bird Trust, these tidal mudflats are host to more than 200 visiting species each year.
On May 31st we'll join Alan Whitehead for a day-long hike over Collins Ridge, where we'll view Mud and Honeymoon Lakes, as well as carnivorous sundew plants on the way.
If you're interested in joining us for any of these outings, please email [email protected]