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Enjoy Paris - on Bowen Island

Ah Paris. City of Lights. Few can resist its historical, cultural, and romantic allures. I am one of them, a diehard Francophile, living on the southeast bank of Bowen Island.

Ah Paris. City of Lights. Few can resist its historical, cultural, and romantic allures. I am one of them, a diehard Francophile, living on the southeast bank of Bowen Island.

My first trip to France, when I was 15, inspired a love of French language, food, and landscape, but it was not until I was 18, studying in Dijon, that Paris hooked my heart and never let go. I ended up moving to Paris for a half a year and felt more free and at home there than I'd felt anywhere else in my life. It was, and still is, the home of my heart.

After living in France as a young adult, I returned to Vancouver thinking, 'Paris is only a plane ride away,' but it would be 16 years before I would walk along the Seine again. University, work, relationship, having a family, building a house and a community, all made for a busy Paris-free life. But I always longed to go back. In 2005, I did. Then, in 2008, I took my family on a home exchange holiday and shared my love of that ancient yet modern city with them. We were lucky enough to visit again in 2010.

Paris, finally, doesn't feel so far away. And yet, realistically, it is. I can't just hop on a plane tomorrow. But, for one night, here on Bowen Island, I will have a chance to experience An Evening in Paris.

The students, staff and parents of Island Pacific School are hosting a Café Théâtre to support the grade 9 trip to Québec. Cates Hill Chapel will be transformed into a Parisian terrace on Saturday, January 28, from 7 to 9:45 p.m. where an impressive list of local performers will add some je ne sais quoi to their music. There will be French wine and food and fun. Seating is limited, so reserve your table soon. Call IPS at 604-947-9311.


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