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Gene Turney to speak on Bowen

Gene Turney has garnered many accolades in the worldof marketing and health. He looks back on 38 years experience as a top company trainer and is known for his ability to help people reach a higher level of success.

Gene Turney has garnered many accolades in the worldof marketing and health. He looks back on 38 years experience as a top company trainer and is known for his ability to help people reach a higher level of success. "It takes a team to live the dream," is Turney's motto. Turney is exciting to listen to and will be visiting Bowen Island on Monday, May 7, at Collins Hall, where he will speak about age-reversal and the latest scientific breakthrough by Dr. Bill Andrews who was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize for medicine. The subject of the talk revolves around Telomeres that are said to be the body's clock and protect the DNA. Telomeres shorten with every cell division and ultimately cause aging. Their discovery resulted in a production of a botanical product that has a profound impact on peoples' various states of illness and health.

Take an hour to learn about this stunning medicaldiscovery and how it can affect your quality of life and longevity. Please call 947-0152 for more info or to RSVP.