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Giving the gift of reading

Since 2003, 40 Bowen Island Community School students have received a gift of books from the Carolynne MacNeil Memorial Gift of Books trust fund. Carolynne grew up on Bowen Island and worked at the Snug Cove General Store for many years.

Since 2003, 40 Bowen Island Community School students have received a gift of books from the Carolynne MacNeil Memorial Gift of Books trust fund. Carolynne grew up on Bowen Island and worked at the Snug Cove General Store for many years. She was a kind and gentle person. Sadly, she passed away in 2002.

Her family and friends wished to honour her memory by setting up this book fund.

Carolynne loved to read and actively encouraged others to experience the joy of reading, so they felt this would be a fitting tribute to her memory.

Each year, four students are chosen by staff at BICS and are given the books at the end of the school year.

We wish to thank the family and friends who started this book fund and a special thank you to Angela and staff at Phoenix for providing such a wonderful selection to choose from.

If you would like to donate to the book fund, there are forms available at BICS office and tax receipts are issued for gifts over $25.