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Groups showcase innovative island living

On Saturday, August 6, Bowen Islanders will have the opportunity to learn about what some of their fellow islanders are doing to make their homes and lives more sustainable.

On Saturday, August 6, Bowen Islanders will have the opportunity to learn about what some of their fellow islanders are doing to make their homes and lives more sustainable. A number of local groups including Bowen in Transition, Bowen Heritage, Zero Waste Bowen and the Knick Knack Nook, have pooled their resources to offer a day of talks and demonstrations highlighting innovative approaches to island living.

The day begins at 10 a.m. with an event called Home Composting Solutions at the Davies Orchard in the Cove. It's free and no registration is required, just drop by any time between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. In addition to showcasing a variety of rodent proof and odour-free composting methods, there will also be a display/talk about bio-char as a soil amendment.

On the same day, Bowen in Transition is very pleased to offer the first annual Sustainability Tour. The tour begins at 10 a.m. at the "Home Composting Solutions" workshop and leaves from there on a chartered bus at 11 am. Featured on the tour are examples of bee-keeping and chicken-raising, rainwater harvesting, aquaculture, straw-bale and hemp-crete home building, and many different takes on organic gardening, including the Ruddy Kitchen Garden.

The cost of the tour is just $10 and it's a "bring your own lunch" affair. Pre-registration is required. Contact Carol MacKinnon at [email protected] for more information and to register.


Bowen in transition