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Helping the animals

Eight-year-old Lily Tocher-Wiese loves animals. She has a cat called Felina and a dog named Koko. Lily also loves to create art and has decided to combine those two passions.

Eight-year-old Lily Tocher-Wiese loves animals. She has a cat called Felina and a dog named Koko. Lily also loves to create art and has decided to combine those two passions. "I'm making cards for the SPCA and this what they look like," Lily says, holding up examples of her artwork. She uses a ball-point pen and water colours and prefers to create still life paintings because that allows her to study her subject in detail.

But sometimes the process takes her into unexpected directions. "I was drawing an open Easter egg like this," Lily illustrates with her fingers. "And I ended up doing a line here and decided to make a circle."

To her, it looked more like a bug than an egg and she drew in bugs' eyes for good measure. "When you make a mistake, you can fix it and make something even better," she concludes.

Lily sells her cards ($5 for one and $10 for three) and her mom says that orders can be received at (604)947-2898 and a delivery will be arranged. Half of the proceeds will cover the cost of producing the cards and half will be donated to the SPCA to "help the animals," says Lily.