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Opening the door to French language sounds

Aubin van Berckel is once again generously offering her time for Family Place in French which begins on Tuesday, September 11, and will run until November 27.

Aubin van Berckel is once again generously offering her time for Family Place in French which begins on Tuesday, September 11, and will run until November 27.

This is Aubin's sixth year volunteering and we are very appreciative of her commitment to Family Place and the families it serves. Aubin's love of language and sharing it with young children and their families is a wonderful gift to our community.

Family Place in French takes place during our regular programming on Tuesdays. It includes conversation and circle time in French and is an opportunity for children to have exposure to the sounds of the French language. There is no instruction and you do not need to speak French to participate; however, if you do speak French we encourage you to join in the conversation.

Learning language is all about communication and interactions with others. Babies learn a lot about the sounds of language primarily from their parents and can hear just about all the speech sounds. By the end of the first year, a baby focuses mainly on the sounds that are heard in the language or languages spoken at home and pays less attention to other language sounds. Family Place in French offers parents an opportunity for their baby or young child to have some exposure to a language other than English and possibly build a foundation of sound acquisition for future language learning.

We would like to extend a very big thank you Aubin for her contribution to the language development of our youngest community members.