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Shared stories make communities powerful

Water mills, hydroelectric plants, transformer buildings - that's the theme for Heritage Week 2012: Heritage of Power. At Bowen Heritage, we're doing something different.

Water mills, hydroelectric plants, transformer buildings - that's the theme for Heritage Week 2012: Heritage of Power.

At Bowen Heritage, we're doing something different. We're celebrating the power of our community to remember the past and imagine the future of the Davies Heritage Orchard and the Union Steamship Cottages. We're hoping to publish your memories on our website for Heritage Week.

Perhaps you remember Bowen as the Happy Isle for Union Steamship excursions. As a child, you may havevisited the cottages. You ate fruit from the heritage apple trees and played in the Davies Orchard. You may have lived in a pink-painted cottage and have fond memories of those days. You helped save the cottages from demolition. You may have been a founding member of our organization. You raised funds for the restoration of cottage 20, the museum cottage, and more. Perhaps you wondered who built the seaside cottages. Or perhaps you know.

Please tell us about it. Send your story by February 15 to [email protected].

Maureen Nicholson

BOWEN Heritage