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The Order of BICS

A successful year end assembly was held on Friday June 13 at BICS, earlier then planned due to the current labour dispute. Students were recognized and thanked for their services, athletic events and contributions to the school.
Front row left - right: Finn, CJ, Joe, Sofie, Amelia, Isobel, Kaelyn, Clayton Back Row left to right: VP Scott Slater, Sarah Haxby, Teagan, Brylie, Chloe, Kamille, Hasina, Cooper , Principal Jennifer Pardee. Missing: Holden, Cole, Claire, Robin

A successful year end assembly was held on Friday June 13 at BICS, earlier then planned due to the current labour dispute.
Students were recognized and thanked for their services, athletic events and contributions to the school.  Teachers, staff and volunteers were publicly acknowledged for all their hard work and dedication. There were also a number of sad farewells to staff leaving BICS next year: Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Ballou, Ms. Wilcott, Ms. Jessica Cassady and Ms. Laura Sello.  The Order of BICS 2014 awards were handed out to eighteen extraordinary students who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. A congratulations to them all.
The assembly concluded with highlights of the school year shown with a slideshow of images collected by Sarah Haxby.