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Join the Community Choir on a Walk Across Canada

Did you order your free Canada Park Pass yet? Not enough time or money for a costly trip across Canada to celebrate the 150th Anniversary? So... what’s not to like about a trek across Canada that costs only $15 or less.

Did you order your free Canada Park Pass yet?  Not enough time or money for a costly trip across Canada to celebrate the 150th Anniversary? So... what’s not to like about a trek across Canada that costs only $15 or less.

If this appeals to you, the Bowen Island Community Choir’s Spring concert has the answer! Artistic Director, Ellen MacIntosh, has cleverly planned a “Walk Across Canada” - albeit, a musical one - for the second half of the concert. She’ll set your sights on the East coast with a sea shanty and an ode to Citadel Hill in Halifax. Then it’s through Quebec with a traditional song and off to Central Canada swatting flies.  Next, you’re in the Rockies on a discovery voyage down the Fraser River with a ghost!  Finally you’ll end up on our own home turf, Georgia Strait, batting down the hatches for a southeasterly (of which we are all too familiar with). Of course, no trek across Canada is complete without a Maple Leaf finale, a familiar harbour to celebrate the journey.

Ellen has also planned some surprises in the first part of the program including a well-known classical favourite as you’ve never heard it before :-)  

The concerts take place at Cates Hill Chapel, May 6th, at 2:00 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the Pharmacy and at the door. Adults $15, Seniors/Students $10, Children $5 (6-12). Marvelous Graham Ritchie, Emcee, will be there as well as the uber-talented accompanist, Sheilagh Sparks, along with rhythm virtuoso, Brian Hoover, on bass and percussion.

Please note: The choir will also be accepting canned and dried food for our own Bowen Island Food Bank at the concert door. We are grateful for anything you might be able to share.

In the spirit of this wonderful country we call home, come voyage with us from shore to shore to celebrate the beautiful tapestry of the people and landscape in-between! Canada eh?!