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Beaches of Mannion Bay will soon be fit for everyone

Dear Editor, On behalf of the Friends of Mannion Bay (FMB) I applaud council and administration for the keen interest and leadership they have taken in the clean-up and preservation of Mannion Bay.

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the Friends of Mannion Bay (FMB) I applaud council and administration for the keen interest and leadership they have taken in the clean-up and preservation of Mannion Bay. At long last, after four or more years of raising concerns about the decay of the aesthetics, safety and environmental friendliness of this iconic area of the community we are delighted visible traction is finally being made. Hopefully, by as early as this summer the Bay and beaches will once again be "fit" for everyone, including tourists, to use and enjoy.

As announced at the January 13th council meeting, the FMB are fully committed to working with the municipality to resolve this problem, including helping raise $50,000+ for this expensive initiative. Sadly, the cost of doing nothing appears to be almost as expensive.

There's little comfort in knowing Bowen is but one of many west coast community/areas experiencing the same problems of abuse and misuse of a public asset. There is great comfort in being part of such a meaningful and necessary initiative. Our collaborative effort could well be a model for other communities to follow. We are also delighted with the number of other interested islanders and visitors who have applauded us for this joint initiative since announcing this important stage of our campaign.

Yours truly,

R.B. (Bruce) Russell

Friends of Mannion Bay spokesperson