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BIM on budget at year end

Last year, the municipality expected to spend $4,892,769 to provide services. By the end of this fiscal year, it was almost right on target. In 2011, the municipality spent $4,827,174 in all of its various departments.

Last year, the municipality expected to spend $4,892,769 to provide services. By the end of this fiscal year, it was almost right on target.

In 2011, the municipality spent $4,827,174 in all of its various departments.

That's a difference - and a saving - of 1.3 per cent from its expected budget.

On Monday night, deputy-treasurer Kristen Watson went through the audited financial statement line by line with councillors.

Here's where the spending was higher than expected:

Council: $131,328 was spent; $122,493 was budgeted

Administration: $477,747 was spent; $377,375 was budgeted

Finance: $358,573 was spent; $335,359 was budgeted

Community grants: $147,413 was spent; $140,700 was budgeted

Municipal hall rent, utilities and maintenance: $112,026 was spent; $103,827 was budgeted

Other general government: $153,189 was spent; $138,415 was budgeted

Bylaw enforcement: $122,460 was spent; $94,045 was budgeted

Solid waste management: $517,450 was spent; $499,300 was budgeted

Recreation and community services: $608,912 was spent; $586,629 was budgeted

And here's where the spending was lower than expected:

Fire and emergency services: $262,512 was spent; $265,058 was budgeted

Building inspection: $82,347 was spent; $84,105 was budgeted

Other protective services: $3,256 was spent; $9,000 was budgeted

Roads, drainage and infrastructure: $580,568 was spent; $759,076 was budgeted

Community and strategic planning: $410,950 was spent; $493,564 was budgeted

Community parks: $165,135 was spent; $190,287 was budgeted.

Here are some of the details:

Amortization: $565,292 was estimated and $664,536 was booked

Portfolio investments: the opening position was $3.2 million in general fund investment. There were net withdrawals of $1.8 million for the sewage plant project and the fund earned $96,000

Water funds: $500,000 in investment; the income $42,000

Roads capital work: $434,

Turf field lighting: $212,

Purchase of Bobcat and two pick-up trucks: $112,000

Rock slope stability: $75,000 on rock slope stability

Trail work: $59,000 on trail work (Catalina and Eaglecliff)

Miscellaneous public works and fire department equipment: $55,000

Water capital additions: $135,000 plus $32,000 on a new building at EagleCliff, $41,000 on Tunstall Bay and $10,000 for a new pump at BlueWater

Sewage upgrades: $1,286,695 of which $420,000 came from the municipality's general fund and the rest was from grants

Library: $43,000 of new things, including $22,000 on books, $15,000 on furniture and electrical upgrades and $6,000 on a photocopier

Accumulated surplus - general: Down $733,500 from last year. Now stands at $1.66 million, of which all but $450,000 is earmarked for specific projects

Reserve funds: They are "pretty stable," Watson said - $3.1 at beginning of year and $3.2 million at end of the year.