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Community Centre plans make debut at Bowfest

Bowen Islanders have had dreams and plans, for a community centre for decades, but municipal councillor Gary Ander says that this time around, there is a way forward. “The current plan is a culmination of many plans,” says Ander.

Bowen Islanders have had dreams and plans, for a community centre for decades, but municipal councillor Gary Ander says that this time around, there is a way forward.

“The current plan is a culmination of many plans,” says Ander. “Getting something built was a top priority during the last election, and it has been a strategic priority for council every year since. Also, it’s time. I just think Bowen is ready for it.

Ander and other members of the Community Centre Steering Committee presented the latest plans at Bowfest this weekend. 

The building, as it is currently envisioned, will be 15,000 square feet and include a “community living room,” a large multi-purpose room that will transform into a theatre space, a small multi-purpose room with a kitchenette, meeting rooms and municipal offices.

“It is a $10 million project for sure,” says Ander, who is also the head of the Community Centre Steering Committee. “And we’ve had to scale down to meet that budget. The municipal hall area has taken a hit in terms of size and the council chambers themsleves will also serve as a community conference room.” 

Ander says that there is some money in the municipal budget that will go into getting the project started, but fundraising will start as soon as council approves the project’s next phase.

“Ideally, we are hoping to not have borrow additional funds for this project,” says Ander. “We’ll be applying for every grant available, but in order to apply for many of these grants, the project needs to be well under-way.”

He adds that while the Community Centre Steering Committee has not yet come up with a business plan, the projected yearly income from Bowen Rec activities and the rental of space is $120,000 per year.

“We got a lot of enthusiasm about this project at Bowfest,” says Ander. “But of course, this is only the beginning of what is sure to be a very long public vetting process.”

To learn more about the current plans for a community centre on Bowen Island, check out: