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Debris of all-kinds collected through beach clean-up

An old television set, a snowboard, an electric saw, rebar, a battery case not to mention lots of styrofoam and debris from wrecked docks, these are just a few of the items collected at a community beach clean-up of Pebbly Beach on Sunday.
From left: Ella-Rose, Erin, Andrea, Finn, Beck, Qurban, Ryan, Quentin and Gavin with some of their finds from Pebbly Beach.

An old television set, a snowboard, an electric saw, rebar, a battery case not to mention lots of styrofoam and debris from wrecked docks, these are just a few of the items collected at a community beach clean-up of Pebbly Beach on Sunday.

Municipal worker Bruce Lyne filled the back of a pick-up truck with all the garbage and hauled it away on Monday morning.

“I think it is tide-dependent, what gets washed ashore,” he says. “It can be fun to guess where all of this stuff comes from.”

Lyne says he patrols Bowen’s main beaches weekly to collect garbage, and collects “big ticket items” from the beaches roughly four times a year.

Quentin Beck, who helped organize Sunday’s clean-up, says the clean-up was a great way to spend time with her kids.

“We live by the ocean and want to share the experience of taking care of it with them.”

Many people responded positively to the invitation, and have suggested that clean-ups should take place regularly on different Bowen beaches.