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Monitors can help save energy costs

The Bowen Island Library has just received two Powercost energy monitors for home use, which you can borrow with your library card the same way as you would a book.

The Bowen Island Library has just received two Powercost energy monitors for home use, which you can borrow with your library card the same way as you would a book.

If you are trying to save money, save energy, or prove to your teens that leaving that computer on 24/7 really does affect your hydro bill, you may want to try out one of the monitors.

The "Kill a Watt' monitor measures the energy usage of any 120V appliance. It can be programmed to tell you how many kilowatts the appliance uses, or how much it is costing you per day, month or year.

The Powercost monitor comes in two parts. One part fits onto your BC Hydro meter, and it communicates with the other handheld part. See how much power you are currently using, then try turning on and off appliances and see what difference that makes.

This is a Bowen in Transition initiative, sponsored by the Knick Knack Nook.