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Muni Morsels: Forest protection covenant for the Cape approved, new CFO hired

July 26 was the last council meeting before summer break – there's now a council hiatus
Bowen Island Municipality sign
Very late briefs from the July 26 council meeting

Briefs from the July 26 council meeting:

Cape Covenant: A forest protection covenant will cover the 23 unsold lots at Cape Roger Curtis to “prevent large scale clearing of existing, second-growth trees.” The BIM covenant is not part of any development application but rather was volunteered by the owner, said a staff report

The covenant establishes a forest protection area around wetlands, public roads and public trails with a minimum density of 300 mature stems per hectare in the zones, said the staff report. 

The Cape is worried about maintaining some of the properties’ tree cover given significant tree clearing on some sold lots, indicated planning and development manager Daniel Martin. 

Council received one public comment, concerned about entering into a covenant, given that there are stricter Cape protections in the Land Use Bylaw (but that aren’t enforceable because of a discrepancy with the Official Community Plan.)

This covenant doesn’t preclude council from entering into other covenants on this land, said Martin.

Health centre septic: With the health centre hoping to break ground in the fall, the B.I. Health Centre Foundation had a critical issue to address with council: sewage. There’s no guarantee that the current Snug Cove Sewer System will have space for the health centre’s wastewater and so as a backup plan, BIM will work with the foundation to find some space for a sceptic field on the Community Lands as an interim solution. (With the idea that once the sewer system is upgraded, the health centre will get connected.)

Grafton housing: The first phase of the Grafton Lake development is to have 10 affordable home ownership units (and future phases are to have 25 rental units). BIM is working on a housing agreement bylaw for the affordable units. Considerations include, who will be considered for the home ownership and how they’ll be selected, how resale will work.

New CFO: Sheila McCutcheon will join BIM as chief financial officer this month, following Raj Hayre’s recent departure. McCutcheon has been a CFO and CAO in other small B.C. communities.