Have you ever driven up the hill from Snug Cove, seen the "no U-turn" sign on your right, and then proceeded to make a U-turn across traffic into the ferry lineup? If you have done this, then we want to let you that we will be doing targeted enforcement for this offense in the next month.
Specifically with respect to Bowen Island, drivers are reminded that pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Act, U-turns must not be madewhen approaching the crest of a grade where the vehicle cannot be seen by the driver of another vehicle approaching from either direction within 150 m, at a place where a sign prohibits making a U-turn. Fines for these offenses range from $121 to $167.
"It's dangerous to do a U-turn to join the ferry lineup on Bowen Island Trunk Road as there's a grade that prevents oncoming traffic from being seen, and there are pedestrians crossing the road at that point" said Corporal Nancy Joyce of the Bowen Island RCMP. "I've seen drivers make illegal U-turns as they pass the 'no U-turn' sign so we'll be looking out for this in the next month."
Bowen Island RCMP officers want to remind drivers to use the turn at Mt. Gardner Road to enter the ferry lineup.
Nancy Joyce (Cpl), Bowen Island RCMP