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TEDx comes to Bowen Island this weekend

Shahar Rabi,  Ellen White, Peter Boronkay, Jae Mather and Cicely Ashley will give the first TEDx talks on Bowen
Woman at a platform talking
The five speakers selected for Bowen's first TEDx are Shahar Rabi,  Ellen White, Peter Boronkay, Jae Mather and Cicely Ashley.

Bowen’s first TEDx event is coming up this weekend. 

Sophie Walters is hosting the event on Woods Road, socially distanced and outside. While there is room for 25 audience members, chosen through a ticket lottery, the talks are also recorded and put online on the TEDx platform. 

Years ago, when she was in grade six, Walters did a TEDx talk with another Bowen Islander. “It is such an amazing experience and so that was the moment of inspiration,” she said. 

These days, it was hanging out at the coffee shop that got Walters scheming. “I go to Tell Your Friends almost every day that they’re open, and just hearing all of the people talk about what they do… [I thought], we need to have a platform.”

It was just as the pandemic started that Walters was thinking how nice it would be to have some sort of event. Now, conditions have lightened enough for the idea to go ahead. “It’s really a passion project,” she relayed, “because I love the idea that you can share your ideas, and what you are really passionate about.”

So, with the help of a neighbourhood grant from the Bowen Island Community Foundation, TEDx Bowen Island will have five speakers contemplate how has a small community inspired big ideas.

The five speakers selected are: Shahar Rabi,  Ellen White, Peter Boronkay, Jae Mather and Cicely Ashley.

Walters hopes the talks will continue annually, including hopefully a TEDx for kids.