The Bowen Island Community Foundation invites students who are graduating from Grade 12 to apply for the Maggie Cummings Memorial Scholarship and the Aaron Sluggett Memorial Scholarship until Friday, May 11.
Joyce Ganong, chair for the Foundation, said that an original call for applications had asked students to apply through their schools by March. "We realize that there might have been difficulties due to the teachers' job action," she said. "So we want to make it easier for students by allowing them to apply directly to the Foundation at [email protected]."
The application package requires a letter that outlines how the student fulfills the application requirements, his or her goals for the future and why the scholarship would make a difference. A copy of the scholastic transcript and a reference letter from a teacher or a community member also need to be submitted. "I understand that the students now have their transcripts but we can always request that from the school if it's not available this week. And the letter of reference doesn't have to come from a teacher, it can also be written by a community member other than a relative.," Ganong said. "What we are really looking to receive by May 11, is the student's letter."
The Maggie Cummings Memorial Scholarship for $500 is awarded to students who demonstrate a concern for the environment and respect and enjoyment for parks and recreation as well as a clear career goal involving post secondary education. The Aaron Sluggett Memorial Scholarship, also for $500, goes to someone who participates in sport and community activities as well as takes a leadership role in these areas.
"There is this dilemma we face as an island," Ganong said. "We have good, strong connections with our youth as long as they go to school here. When they head off island, we worry that the kids will grow away from the family as well as the community." The scholarships are part of the Foundation's community building effort and Ganong says that the Foundation is looking for applicants with strong ties to the Bowen Island. In addition to the Maggie Cummings Memorial Scholarship and the Aaron Sluggett Memorial Scholarship, the Bowen Island Community Foundation awards two other scholarships: the Danielle Dulong Memorial Scholarship and the Bowen Island Golf Club Scholarship. More information is available on the website at