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Cycling safety

Now that spring time is here many Bowen Islanders are dusting off their bicycles for pleasure and commuting use. As those of us who live here know, the roads on Bowen Island are narrow and have no sidewalks and many pedestrians use the roadway.

Now that spring time is here many Bowen Islanders are dusting off their bicycles for pleasure and commuting use.  As those of us who live here know, the roads on Bowen Island are narrow and have no sidewalks and many pedestrians use the roadway.
Cyclists also use the same narrow roads to commute to and from Snug Cove and other areas of the island. Another factor to consider is the fact that there is no overhead illumination and as drivers we must be more aware of other users of the roadways. Cyclists and pedestrians are advised to wear reflective clothing while riding in the early morning hours, and at night.
The Bowen Island RCMP would like to remind motorists to leave plenty of room while passing cyclists and to refrain from swerving into the oncoming lane to pass cyclists in blind corners.  It is recommended that drivers slow down if there is oncoming traffic and the necessity exists that you have to yield to a cyclist who is riding the same direction.
This is also a reminder for cyclists to ride on the right side of the road and keep as far right as is safely possible.
If we can all work together we will have safer roads for all users on Bowen Island.