With the end of summer drawing near, it was time once again to crown the men's, ladies, and junior club champions at the Bowen Island Golf Club. In total, 45 participants competed September 24 to 25 across the three divisions with hopes of having their names etched on the Club Championship trophy. After two exciting days of golf, Spencer Grundy (men), Kim Natress (ladies), and Evan Puri (junior) were crowned as the 2013 club champions.
The top five of the 36-hole Men's Club Championship were Spencer Grundy, first with 149 (+9), Peter Clarke, second with 150 (+10), Bill Keller, tied third with 152 (+12), Rob Backman, tied third with 152 (+12) and Larry Oliver, fifth with 154 (+14). The top three of the 36-hole Ladies Club Championship were Kim Natress, first with 182 (+42), Colleen O'Neil, second with 189 (+49) and Margo Anthony, third with 193 (+53). The top two of the 18-hole Junior Club Championship were Evan Puri, first with 79 (+9) and Lucas Puri, second with 83 (+13). For all results, see www.bowengolf.com.