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A letter from the mayor

Hello Bowen Islanders: This is the letter I’d planned to deliver last month, but will blame the delay on a brief vacation, plus beautiful weather that slows things down while we share the best of Bowen’s summer activities.

Hello Bowen Islanders:

This is the letter I’d planned to deliver last month, but will blame the delay on a brief vacation, plus beautiful weather that slows things down while we share the best of Bowen’s summer activities.   

What hasn’t slowed or even slackened pace, however, is the healthy momentum at municipal hall as your council moves ahead with its agenda. I’m extremely gratified to report that we’re working hard and making progress across the board on the ambitious series of initiatives we’re dealing with.  

It’s anticipated that the rezoning of Lot 2, which is the critical step in the groundwork for our long-awaited community centre, will be completed in early September.

Be assured that council is keeping a close eye on the costs associated with this proposed development.   

Among the opportunities being explored is the possibility that our municipal offices could move to this site if it assists with funding for the entire complex. As with all things on Bowen, the timing and scope of work on this development will depend on structuring a solid business plan and obtaining financing.  

Snug Cove redevelopment is not moving forward as quickly as we had hoped, partly due to the complexities of negotiating with various jurisdictions within Metro Vancouver. Council is committed to making progress on this case and will continue to press for decisions in our favour.

In the meantime, the impressive redevelopment taking place by private interests in Village Square is a catalyst and inspiration for those eager to see improvement of the Cove in general.  

Improvements to ferry marshalling have been hindered by the ongoing problems associated with B.C. Ferries service, including the reduction in sailings and the mid-life refit of the Queen of Capilano.

On the positive side, we have a highly effective Transportation Advisory Committee dealing with the involved bureaucracies and representing Bowen’s interests on all ferry-related issues.

I want to commend the volunteers serving on Bowen’s Economic Development Committee for producing the proposed amendments to the OCP, which were presented to the public earlier this month.

The committee’s mission is to provide the flexibility needed to create new and grow existing businesses on Bowen, as the key to economic and quality-of-life stability. I believe most Islanders will agree that the thoughtful and reasonable amendments proposed are essential steps in kick starting local opportunity.  

As many of you know, we have tentatively selected a site for the new fire hall to meet the needs of our island.   Meanwhile, council continues to deal with our road system on an ongoing basis, although we are limited by the annual funds available in the municipal budget for infrastructure improvements.  

Finally, I’m pleased to report that council is moving forward on several fronts in negotiations with senior levels of government to obtain funding for essential community improvements as well as to provide a better base for Bowen to grow financially.

As a result of these new political relationships, we’ve raised the island’s profile across Metro, in Victoria and beyond, cultivating increased awareness of our unique issues among important decision-makers for whom Bowen was simply “off the map” in the past.    

After this positive report on our community’s health, it’s time to set matters straight about my own. Despite rumours to the contrary, my chemotherapy treatments are working. But, I find that — for me — the best and most effective therapy is work.

According to my doctor, I’m perfectly capable of running for a second term, should I so choose. That’s good news if I decide to run for office again on Bowen.

I wish you all a great summer and urge you to support the many volunteers and municipal staff who present wonderful summer programs and events here on our beautiful Island.  

Jack Adelaar