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Five is fine with me

Dear Editor, While it is unfortunate Wolfgang Duntz and Daron Jennings chose to resign, I think it appropriate to give them credit for the good things they did during their 2.5 years on council.

Dear Editor,
While it is unfortunate Wolfgang Duntz and Daron Jennings chose to resign, I think it appropriate to give them credit for the good things they did during their 2.5 years on council.  Some are far too quick to criticize for that thankless, underpaid position while many of us, myself included, are not prepared to sacrifice both our business and personal lives for public service.
We can speculate until the cows come home, should they or should they not have stood for election in the first place?  In light of their election success (as in number of votes) many thought they should, in spite of the “conflict of interest” baggage they possessed.  I give them credit for trying and equal credit for their resignation decision late in their term in order that taxpayers need not be subjected to the cost and distraction of a byelection.
I have full confidence in the remaining five elected council members and suggest the $15,000 cost, plus city hall staff time of a byelection, would be far better spent on some other more pressing needs in the community.  Take your pick as there are many. I sense the “political need” for a byelection is political in more ways than one, so let’s leave the politics to the full election which is only six months away.  Really, let’s balance the risk of finishing off this term with five council members vs. the gain and cost (byelection and salaries) of seven. It will not be long before we are into the ramp-up to the full election so why start it any earlier than is absolutely necessary? Many other small communities do quite fine with councils of five!

R.B. (Bruce) Russell