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LETTER - Buzzards aplenty at the golf course

Dear Editor: The Saturday Morning Skins Group, aka the Old Buzzards, held their season wind-up Buzzards’ Bash at the Cup Cutter on October 1st, celebrating yet another active, fun and competitive season of Saturday morning golf.

Dear Editor:

The Saturday Morning Skins Group, aka the Old Buzzards, held their season wind-up Buzzards’ Bash at the Cup Cutter on October 1st, celebrating yet another active, fun and competitive season of Saturday morning golf.

By definition, an Old Buzzard is a male, age 55+ or of any age with grand- children, who is prepared to invest $5 in the weekly prize pot in addition to his green fee.

Competition is keen for the coveted Old Buzzards’ trophy, a beau- tiful Reverend Bob Miller carving.

This year’s winner was none other than Larry Oliver, a most deserving champion not just because of his fine game, he also organizes this season-long event.

His win was most appropriate as he was a close friend of the late Greg Cope, after whom the tro- phy is named being the old buzzard who started the event.

In keeping with tradition, Coral Louie presented the trophy.

While many old buzzards fly south for the winter, those with thicker feath- ers remain and participate in a winter version of the event, aptly named the Old Crocs, which tees off every Saturday at 9 a.m. After many years under Bob Hamel’s organization, another Old Buzzard, Hugh Freemen will administer this highly enjoyable weekly event, which is now well underway.

New buzzards and old crocs are always welcome.

Yours truly,

R. B. (Bruce) Russell

Vice President, Special Projects