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LETTER: Don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot

Dear Editor: I have lived on Bowen Island for 20 years and I am adamantly against this new proposal for Lot 3 in Crippen Park.

Dear Editor:

I have lived on Bowen Island for 20 years and I am adamantly against this new proposal for Lot 3 in Crippen Park. Across the road from my house on Miller Road is a little trail that leads down to the path through the forest that takes me to the cove, which I have traveled along almost every day since I have lived on Bowen. It is a well-used path and the surroundings are what I would term magical. Lot 3. starts just across the road from my house and the plan is to disrupt the path considerably.

Several days ago, when the sun had left my garden, I walked along this path in the forest. The sun between the trees shone on the green leaves and everything was beautiful and tranquil. It was a moment of perfect contentment. In the dappled sun I spotted a small raised mossy mound between two old trees, where I sat and finished a cup of tea.

Some years ago when my grandson was a toddler and old enough to be away from his mom, he was brought to Bowen to spend a weekend with me. With a friend we decided to let him walk the path and we would go at his pace. He walked very slowly, studiously looking at trees and picking up leaf after leaf to examine – he was entranced. My usual 12 minute walk to the ferry turned into an hour. My friend and I felt it was the most incredible experience, being with a child who was experiencing the magic of nature for the first time.  We do need to think of the coming generations and what will be left for them when we destroy beautiful places.  Lot 1, on Government Road, which has now being cleared, is in a place that had no trails and had no old trees and makes much more sense for development.

The very idea of the suggested construction of the relocated Fire Hall and Emergency Operations Centre, and a parking lot, does not fit in with what Bowen is meant for – a quiet place of residence away from the city.  That’s why I moved to where I live.  Imagine the sounds of the Fire Engines every time they are called out, and what it will do to the surrounding flora and fauna.

Over the years I have given directions to people looking for the fish ladder or way to Killarney Lake. Foreign students frequently start their walks through this part of Crippen Park. Small children learn to ride their bikes here and occasionally horses trot through. It is always in use on holiday weekends.

For me this proposal is absurd, as it is the wrong place for something as busy as your proposed plan (let alone Village residential) would be. It would spoil one the most beautiful trails to Bowen’s necessities and displace a popular walk for visitors and residents. Let us be a good example of nature preservation. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. Anyone apposed to this plan please contact the municipality.

Think of Joni Mitchell’s song, They paved paradiseAnd put up a parking lot.

Kami Kanetsuka


Kami Kanetsuka