Dear Editor,
Our ferry from Horseshoe Bay is often late leaving Horseshoe Bay or leaving Snug Cove Bowen Island. One of the reasons for this appears to be that quite often (particularly during the summer months) if a larger ferry for Vancouver Island or the Sunshine Coast is loading in Horseshoe Bay - our little Bowen Island then gets delayed for 15-20 minutes, because BC Ferries always load the larger ferries first.
Would it not seem more advantageous and perhaps better ferry management when two ferries are about to load at the same time for our little Bowen Island Ferry to be loaded FIRST ahead of the larger far longer loading time larger ferry. Bowen Island ferry, just for the cars and trucks, doesn’t take much longer to load than five minutes sometimes less.
Because of the BC Ferries present policy of loading the larger and longer time to load ferries, our regular half hour sailings get constantly later and later during the mornings and afternoons. Yesterday the 12.45 p.m. ferry from Snug Cove didn’t leave until well after 1.15 p.m. because of the present “if you are bigger therefore you get first load service”.
As a woman (now in my seventies) I find it amusing - this domination - “of because you are smaller/different than me, you are not as important”!
Jeanie Seward-Magee