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Letter: Mind the Trees, Please

Reader asks people carving messages in Bowen's trees to put nature first

Dear Alex,

There is this amazing stand of trees on the trail that circles the meadow, on the southwest side; on the Alder Grove Trail. Struck by lightning and hollowed out, a community of trees that stands together and creates a potent and beautiful place, a testament really.  

These trees are in my neighbourhood and I walk by them often. They always stop me and I feel such a strong sense of reverence, curiosity, and appreciation.

On a recent walk by these trees, I was deeply saddened. Initials are being carved, defacing the trees and, in my view, defacing what feels like a sacred place.  

What are we to do? Xenia has had to close public access to Opa for similar reasons. The increasing awareness of Bowen Island, the increased visitation, is also bringing this kind of thoughtless destruction.

Surely, by now, “Take only photographs; leave only footprints” is understood. But no. I have so many photographs of words and images carved into Arbutus trees at the Cape.

And I think we have to do something… signage right at the dock; Vancouver Regional Parks protection/signage/warnings. Do we have to build fences around these special places? Interpretive signage? Take only photographs signage?

Respectfully submitted,

- Cherie Westmoreland