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Take a bow, Bowen: Spear sisters

Twin filmmakers thank all the Bowen Islanders who helped them make the award-winning The Mary Alice Brandon File

We want to thank the wonderful Bowen community for your continued support of us and our film, The Mary Alice Brandon File!

It was the most amazing experience walking around the Cove and Artisan as we waited for the final announcement — everywhere we went we heard “I saw your film”, “I voted for you”, “Have you heard who won yet?”  Your love and support help give us energy to get through rough patches (and, as filmmakers will know, there’s not a film made without at least one “rough patch”) and to keep on creating. 

A large number of Bowen people were actually involved directly with the making of the film. Natasha Wehn was our producer extraordinaire. We really couldn’t have done the film without her! Michael Hogan lent his brilliant acting skills to the role of the Doctor. Silvaine Zimmermann was on set every day doing crafty and set stills. Susan Alexander, Katalina Bernard, Susanne Martin, Nina Elliott and Frazer Elliott can be seen as background performers. Carrie Thiel did stunt choreography and appeared as one of the attendants dragging Alice away. Heike Brandstatter and Coreen Mayrs were extremely supportive throughout not only giving us casting consultation but also providing us with a production office. Agent Carrie Lloyd represents our lead actor, Paloma Kwiatkowski, and helped negotiate her booking on this project. Kat Hayduck helped review our budget. Jack and Julie Headley, along with Michelle Harrison, helped supply us with some last-minute wardrobe pieces. Libby Osler typed pages for the file on her typewriter. Libby, Danielle Allan, Mary Pottier and Ted and Dyan Spear helped by giving feedback at the rough cut stage of the film. Lauren Spear co-wrote and performed the credits song ‘We have it all”. Warren Franklin was the person who first told us about the competition and mentored us throughout.

These incredible people, and many more, helped make The Mary Alice Brandon File a reality. 

Thank you to everyone who supported us by watching/sharing/voting for the film! From the response we have had when back on the island, we’re getting the sense that that’s most of Bowen!
Bowen Island is an extremely special place with an amazing community of talented and supportive people.  We are honoured to be part of this incredible community and are overjoyed that we can bring the good news of the win back to you!

Kailey and Sam Spear