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Strength in numbers

Dear Editor, On the heels of an excellent 2014 Visitors’ Survey Presentation last Friday, by Edward Watchman and Sherry Johnson, the Bowen Island Golf Club is delighted to support and be a part of the upcoming Bowen Island Business Showcase, sponsore

Dear Editor,

On the heels of an excellent 2014 Visitors’ Survey Presentation last Friday, by Edward Watchman and Sherry Johnson, the Bowen Island Golf Club is delighted to support and be a part of the upcoming Bowen Island Business Showcase, sponsored by our community’s new business voice, the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. With the demise of the Bowen Island Chamber of Commerce, our neighbours in West Vancouver have kindly picked up the slack in promoting the collective wellbeing of our business community.
 The results of the 2014 Visitors’ Survey identified great tourist interest in Bowen for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the proximity of our community, the friendly people, our intriguing shops and businesses and “the nature of things”.
Whether an island visit at this time of year is high on our visitors’ agendas remains to be seen, but just in case we are pleasantly surprised let’s put our best business foot forward at this showcase. I suggest we consider this as a marketing and promotional “united we stand, divided we fall” opportunity.
Yours truly,

Bruce Russell