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RCMP and ICBC remind pedestrians to stay safe

RCMP Cpl. Paulo Arreaga and Harvey Kooner from ICBC spent time in front of the General Store and by the Garden Gateway Project to speak with pedestrians about staying safe during the dark days of winter last Tuesday.
Cpl. Arreaga handing out a reflectors to young members of Bowen Island FC.

RCMP Cpl. Paulo Arreaga and Harvey Kooner from ICBC spent time in front of the General Store and by the Garden Gateway Project to speak with pedestrians about staying safe during the dark days of winter last Tuesday.

According to ICBC, car crashes with pedestrians spike during the fall and winter. Also, one in five people killed in car crashes are pedestrians.

Arreaga and Kooner handed out reflectors for people to put on their jackets or backpack, to help pedestrians remain visible to drivers.

ICBC also has tips for drivers, including this one: focus on the road, not your cell phone – ESPECIALLY at intersections.