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Thief targets posters during Christmas preparations

In spite of someone’s Grinch-like attempt to remove information posted outdoors on poles and bulletin boards about the weekend celebrations, the community came out in full force to Light up the Cove and attend the CSA craft fair.

In spite of someone’s Grinch-like attempt to remove information posted outdoors on poles and bulletin boards about the weekend celebrations, the community came out in full force to Light up the Cove and attend the CSA craft fair.

Over the course of two weeks, more than 200 posters advertising Christmas celebrations were put up in the cove and then each was surreptitiously removed.

Posters were designed to provide information about the community event, Light Up the Cove, where Christmas lights are turned on, locals gather to sing carols and parade with lanterns through the cove and shopkeepers provide hot drinks and candy on the wet night.

Basia Lieske and Jewel Maxwell, were the driving force that galvanized the community into catching the spirit of the community event. The two were busy with all aspects of the night, from the organizing, to promoting, to setting up and packing up. The posters were donated from The Office which Maxwell put up, only to have to go back and get another round of donated posters. Lieske and Maxwell found the situation very disillusioning.

“We also noticed that they are no CSA Christmas Craft Fair posters or BI Community Choir Christmas concert posters on the poles either,” says Lieske while wondering “who is doing this?”

The postering of hydro poles, while a common method of broadcasting news of events can cause problems for hydro crews who have to climb poles with tacks sticking out, however according to a spokesperson, BC Hydro did not come to Bowen and remove posters.