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Local News

Close enough to the action to get ‘kettled’

The streets of Montreal have been the arena for protests against the hike of tuition fees for over three months and Bowen Islander Riley Sparks has been right in the thick of things.

Knick Knack Nook expands bursary program

The Knick Knack Nook has issued a call for applicants for a bursary that will go to students who have strong ties to Bowen Island and who are pursuing careers in support of environmental sustainability through studies at the undergraduate or post-gra

Share your views about priorities

The Bowen Island Municipality is seeking the community's input on services available on Bowen Island and how tax dollars are spent. Bowen households are being asked to complete the BIM 2012 Householders' Survey online, one per household.

Autopsy reveals identity of body

The body found on Harding Road on Bowen Island on May 20 has been identified as 19-year-old Mitchell Gallivan from Vancouver, according to the BC Coroners Service.

A sizable reward for being green

It pays to do something good for the environment and the students of the Bowen Island Community School (BICS) have just been rewarded with a cheque of $25,000.

Re-opening the CRC discussion

The 59-lot-subdivision of the Cape Roger Curtis land is proceeding swiftly and members of the community have renewed efforts to re-open the discussions about the possibility of creating amenities at the site in exchange for higher density.

Autopsy sheds light on Harding Road body

An autopsy completed on Wednesday, May 23, confirmed the identity of the body found on Bowen Island last Friday, says Cpl Nancy Joyce of the Bowen Island RCMP.

Grisly discovery shakes up community

Autopsy results on the unidentified body found on Bowen Island are expected later this week. The decomposed remains were found by Mike Braraten who was walking through his property when he detected a bad odour.

English Bay launch starts up weekend service

From Saturday, May 15, islanders have once again the option of taking a water taxi to Granville Island, but only on weekends. "We are only running the smaller boats," says Mike Shannon, owner and operator of the English Bay Launch.

A different decal for a different day

Food scraps need to be removed from general garbage and will be collected separately starting July 3.