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Local News

OCP process flawed, landowners tell council

By coming up with specific policies on such things as steep slopes and environmentally sensitive areas before adopting a new official community plan, the municipality may be opening itself up to a legal challenge, say two local landowners.

Minister will review ferry hikes

Anyone who has travelled on the Queen of Capilano this past week might have glanced at their ticket stub, noticed the rate increase and thought, "Oh no, that's too much." The B.C. Minister of Transportation, Blair Lekstrom, agrees.

Give people more info: park report

The community needs more information before it can vote on whether a national park should be created on Bowen Island. That was the main message of the national park community advisory committee when it made its report to council on Monday night.

Happy birthday, Dr. Suzuki

BICS students from all grades celebrated David Suzuki's 75th birthday as one large group this week. On Tuesday, classes went on a nature walk paired with their buddy class and on Wednesday, students watched a webinar with Dr.

Surplus lands spark debate

When municipal staff poured over Bowen Island maps to decide what land could be protected by Parks Canada, they marked suggested areas in purple but ended up raising red flags.

Weston’s bill squeaks through Parliament

Until last week, someone could be found with a press for making pills and all the ingredients for crystal meth or ecstasy without worrying too much about what would happen if a police officer walked into the room.

Building inspector retires after 10 years

In 2001, Konrad Jaschke was hired as the temporary building inspector for the newly formed Bowen Island Municipality. "I was hired for three months," Jaschke says. "As of today it is 10 years.

Undercurrent chosen as one of best newspapers in BC and Canada

The Bowen Island Undercurrent has been chosen as one of the province's and country's best community newspapers.

50+1 makes a majority

What's a majority? Well, on Monday night a two-thirds majority of councillors agreed that the bottom line was 50 plus one per cent.

Committee seeks input on proposed guiding principles

What do Bowen Islanders think of the guiding principles drafted by the national park council committee? Do they establish a solid ground from which to design a national park reserve on the island? Are they strong and clear enough, representing the ma