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Here's BIRD's new refundables tent and why it matters

The refundables program has raised more than $1.2 million over the past 25 years
Louise McIntosh and Jan Seaman standing in a tent with giant bins for refundables
Louise McIntosh and Jan Seaman in the new refundables tent at BIRD.

One of the most remarkable programs at BIRD is the Bowen Island Refundable Assist Program. This program supports local community organizations by providing them with the opportunity to raise funds. 

In the early days, volunteers Hank Strubin and Dave McIntosh took it upon themselves to offer the refundables to the local Girl Guides for fundraising. 

During the 1980s, the Guides were responsible for taking the refundables into town. As more groups began to participate in this grassroots program, transportation became a greater challenge. Dave, who took over from Hank in 1985, often let participating groups borrow his own pick-up truck for transport. 

Between 1985 and 1994, Dave saw that Hank’s initiative had great fundraising potential. Concurrently, he used his community contacts to expand the donations, and the refundable program flourished under his guidance. 


Three women with many bins of refundables inside BIRDSusan Redmond, Deb Blenkhorn and Mary Ann Zakreski of Bowen Waste sorting refundables at Bowen Island Recycling Depot. The refundables program just got a new tent. By Jan Seaman


In 1994, Bowen Waste Service was incorporated and Dave along with his wife, Louise, became the local municipal waste contractors. During this time, Dave launched an expansion of the program, offering the use of a container to transport the refundables to the city. This expansion was facilitated by the support of North Vancouver Return-It Depot, which brought in a larger crew specifically to accommodate deliveries from Bowen Island. Their support was instrumental in allowing the program’s continuation. 

In 2007, the municipality decided to move the recycling depot from its original site to its present location, and there were some suggestions that the program be discontinued. Dave successfully negotiated continuation of the program, pointing out its value in supporting local charities. 

In 2020, $57,000 was raised with the proceeds benefiting 18 local groups. Dave and Louise’s advocacy for this program has raised in excess of $1.2 million over the past 25 years. Bowen Waste Solutions is proud to continue its support of the program and has recently constructed a refundable tent with the generous help of the local Bowen Island Rotary Club and Bowen Concrete. 

Thank you Bowen Island for your generous contributions, we couldn’t have done it without you.