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Rob Shaw: B.C. set to regulate thousands of therapists, counsellors

Rob Shaw: B.C. set to regulate thousands of therapists, counsellors

Move aims to protect public from unqualified practitioners and improve accountability
David Sovka: Why the health-care system needs more Georges (please never, ever retire)

David Sovka: Why the health-care system needs more Georges (please never, ever retire)

My doctor — let’s call him “George” because that is his real name — provides professional services and expert opinions, such as: “Have you gained weight?” and refers me to specialists who keep me alive
Trevor Hancock: Our ‘ignore-ant’ elites blindly adhere to 'business as usual'

Trevor Hancock: Our ‘ignore-ant’ elites blindly adhere to 'business as usual'

Many of our so-called leaders don’t want to change because they get so much benefit — wealth, power, status — from the way things are
Adrian Raeside cartoon: Risking the Earth

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Risking the Earth

Rob Shaw: BC United's rejected ceasefire proposal to Conservatives reeks of desperation

Rob Shaw: BC United's rejected ceasefire proposal to Conservatives reeks of desperation

The two parties appear destined to fight, not unite, until the fall election
Rob Shaw: London Drugs, B.C. officials lean on irksome wordplay amid cyberattacks

Rob Shaw: London Drugs, B.C. officials lean on irksome wordplay amid cyberattacks

Rather than hiding behind sanitized language, B.C. organizations owe full transparency to those hit by data breaches
Opinion: London Drugs’ response to cyberattack a case study in crisis management

Opinion: London Drugs’ response to cyberattack a case study in crisis management

London Drugs' response to the LockBit cyberattack reveals critical lessons for businesses handling data vulnerabilities
Tied with Greens, BC United slouching towards fall election bust, says poll

Tied with Greens, BC United slouching towards fall election bust, says poll

BC United's fighting for third Place in provincial race, says new Research Co. survey
Comment: A paramedic’s view of priorities in an emergency

Comment: A paramedic’s view of priorities in an emergency

Drawing up Narcan is down my list of priorities.
Rob Shaw: B.C. can't escape drug decriminalization blowback

Rob Shaw: B.C. can't escape drug decriminalization blowback

Other governments now pointing fingers at B.C.'s failed drug decriminalization pilot