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This week in Undercurrent history

This week in Undercurrent history

25 years ago in the Undercurrent The Liverpool Daily Post & Echo was announced as the new owner of The Undercurrent. The company had also purchased the West Ender and the East Ender, both Vancouver-based weekly papers.
Minister Stone’s spin

Minister Stone’s spin

Dear Editor, Nowadays, Transportation Minister Todd Stone’s talk about making the tough decisions with B.C. Ferries is taking on a new tone.
Alan Turing: The Architect of the Modern Computer

Alan Turing: The Architect of the Modern Computer

I recently viewed the movie, The Imitation Game, based on Alan Turing’s life and his code cracking work during World War II.
Replacement vessel

Replacement vessel

And the work begins...

And the work begins...

We have a new mayor and council and on Monday evening, they sat in front of a packed council chamber listening to pleas, explanations, proposals, and the details of items that have been ongoing, sometimes for years.
The vet and chocolate

The vet and chocolate

Dear Editor. When Carlos and I were looking around BC for a place to establish our business Cocoa West Chocolatier, we went to many a small town. We had a list of criteria that we wanted the town to have, and in some cases to not have.
Counting our feathered friends

Counting our feathered friends

Sue Ellen spotted them first: “What the heck are those big white mounds on the lake?” Killarney Lake was mostly frozen and two white mounds were making their way, slowly and cautiously, across the ice to reach open water, one foot occasionally slippi
This week in Undercurrent History

This week in Undercurrent History

25 Years Ago in the Undercurrent - Two break-ins were reported on the weekend of Dec 22/23. For the second time in a month the Bow Mart was broken into and cigarettes stolen.
Prefix pooling

Prefix pooling

A thank you, from Family Place

A thank you, from Family Place

Dear Editor, Bowen Island Family Place would like to thank the community sponsors who helped make the 2014 Festival of Trees possible: Bowen Building Centre; Bowen Children’s Centre; Bowen Freight; Bowen Island Community Foundation; Bowen Island Comm