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In the Community

Bowen parents encouraged to take up baton

I am the Bowen parent of two children who have gone through BICS and West Vancouver Secondary. Ben is 20 and graduated from WVS almost three years ago. Louisa is 17 and graduates this June.

Three young artists awarded scholarships

A committee of local artists met recently to choose this year's winners of the Danielle Dulong Memorial Scholarship. Thank you to Bill Hoopes, Peg Campbell, Katrina Rose, Saffron Gurney and Ron Woodall for joining the selection process.

Parents of slain teen talk about restorative justice

Tissues were passed around in the BICS gym on Monday, April 10, as images of Reena Virk flashed across the screen before an audience of about 70 parents, teenagers and community members. Reena's life found a brutal end 13 years ago.

Club hosts open garden and visiting speaker

The Bowen Island Garden Club's next open garden is at the home of Diana and Michael Kaile at 835 Hummingbird Lane on Sunday, April 17 from 1 to 3 p.m. The Kailes bought the property in 2006.

Homegrown goodies for sale

Bowen is getting fresh. Fresh vegetables, that is. For the first time, the Bowen Agriculture Alliance's monthly farmers' market is going to be open on the first Saturday of every month until October.

Pamoja teams up with local charity

In 1999, after a life-changing trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro in northeastern Tanzania, the highest mountain in Africa, Bowen Island resident Amrita Sondhi experienced a fervent impulse to help the African people.

Exploring fairness in art, dance, history, society and finances

There was a fresh breeze by the water in Crippen Park on Saturday, April 2. Six sheets of organza fabric, strung between poles of driftwood, flapped in the wind forming ever-changing patterns of shadows beneath them.

Celebrate spring with arts programs

Spring is sprung, and that means there's a host of new arts programming cropping up. Just in time for Easter, Saffron Gurney of Serious Play is offering an egg decorating class for younger artists, from ages two to 12.

Coming here to get away

There was a time not so very long ago when a sweet voice would occasionally ring out on the rock of Bowen. In cafe and pub, in living rooms and on lawns.

Easter bunny to visit Bowen

Start your Easter long weekend off with a celebration! Bowen Island Community Recreation's annual Easter Egg Hunt is happening soon with a few new twists.