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Bowen celebrates Queen of Capilano’s return

At 5:20am on Wednesday February 7, the Queen of Capilano departed Horseshoe Bay for Snug Cove for the first time in more than a month.
A statistical perspective on Bowen Island

A statistical perspective on Bowen Island

People always talk about how much Bowen is changing. Realtor Tim Rhodes decided to dive right into the latest census data to find out how. Continued from last week’s paper.
The whales in our waters

The whales in our waters

Islanders hear from cetacean sightings network

Skunks dominate conversation at pest control workshop

Last Sunday, Bowen Islanders floated their questions on skunks, rats and other critters by pest control expert Carl Nielsen at Collins Hall. Skunks, and how to deal with them, dominated a good part of the conversation.

Long live the Undercurrent

Dear Bowen Island, As I have always been a subscriber of The Undercurrent , I would very much miss our informative weekly if it was forced to discontinue.
Future of Legion hinges on its neighbours

Future of Legion hinges on its neighbours

When the Bowen Island Legion started up in the 1940s, only three cottages made up its surrounding neighbourhood. Today, the area is one of Bowen’s most densely populated neighbourhoods.

Islands Trust seeks comment on 2018 budget

The Islands Trust has drafted a $7.86 million budget for the coming year and will begin its public consultation on it this weekend with an online survey.
Bowen has changed, but how?

Bowen has changed, but how?

A statistical analysis
Emergency shelter plan approved by BC Housing

Emergency shelter plan approved by BC Housing

Homeless Bowen Island residents will soon be able to find shelter in extreme weather conditions.
Moving forward on plans for a business licensing program on Bowen

Moving forward on plans for a business licensing program on Bowen

Plans to create a system of business licensing on Bowen Island were started back in 2000s, Maureen Nicholson told attendees at the Bowen Business Summit on Tuesday evening, but never got rolling.