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Local News

Council hears of “benefits” LNG development offers to Bowen Island

On Monday afternoon, mayor and council heard from two delegations who spoke in defense of the development of the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) industry in British Columbia.

Notes from the Municipal Hall

Checking in with councillors (and the mayor) after 3 months in office
Caring Circle: Filling in Bowen’s healthcare gaps and much, much more

Caring Circle: Filling in Bowen’s healthcare gaps and much, much more

Bowen Island is a community of 3,600 and many more in the summer, with one full-time doctor equivalent, when the Ministry of Health recommends a one doctor per 1,200 person ratio.
Suspected whooping cough cases bring vaccination issue home

Suspected whooping cough cases bring vaccination issue home

Measles outbreaks in Europe, California, Ontario and Quebec have made vaccination a hot topic in the news.
Bowen’s economic development, LNG, on the table with MLA Sturdy

Bowen’s economic development, LNG, on the table with MLA Sturdy

Bowen Island Municipal Councillor Maureen Nicholson and Economic Development Committee Chair Gordon Ganong met with MLA Jordan Sturdy last Friday in order to discuss local economic development and other issues related to Bowen Island.
Island Discovery Learning Centre recognized for innovation in education

Island Discovery Learning Centre recognized for innovation in education

The Canadian Education Association (CAE) has awarded Bowen Island’s Island Discovery Learning Community (IDLC) with the Ken Spencer Award for innovation.

Council takes a stand on LNG in Howe Sound

This week’s municipal council meeting started with a plea to hold-off on a resolution made by councillor Sue Ellen Fast that recommended taking a position on the Woodfibre LNG project.
Meet your Municipal Planner: Cari St. Pierre

Meet your Municipal Planner: Cari St. Pierre

Hired at the end of the summer, Municipal Planner Cari St. Pierre has settled in with a Bowen address and is, as she says, is getting her feet on the ground, literally.
Sandy Beach get trashed

Sandy Beach get trashed

The remnants of bon fires, bottles, beer cans, oyster shells and random home appliances piled up outside the garbage can at Sandy Beach are a frustrating problem for local residents who make continuous efforts to keep the beach clean.
Ideas fly for Parks and Trails Masterplan

Ideas fly for Parks and Trails Masterplan

Roughly 30 people from various groups considered to be active stakeholders in Bowen Island’s parks and trails gathered at the Municipal Hall on Tuesday in order to begin fleshing out the parameters of a new Parks and Trails Master Plan for the island