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Weston wins West Van-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country

At times during the night, John Weston looked like he was a hockey fan cheering on his favourite team.

Weston's campaign declares victory

Even though only one-third of the polls have been counted, Conservative candidate John Weston's campaign manager has declared victory.

Park committee wants to make sure its message gets out

For the last four months, the 31 members of the National Park Community Advisory Committee (NPCAC) have worked diligently to reach islanders and record their concerns and issues related to a potential national park on Bowen.

Library faced with tough choices

It is not necessary to read between the lines. The facts speak for themselves. Growing pains are causing the board of the Bowen Island Public Library to make some tough choices.

Can herring return to Bowen?

The Bowen Island Fish and Wildlife Club might be able to help bring back the herring and therefore the dolphins to Howe Sound. As noted in last week's story, Dr.

Steep slope bylaw ready for comment

The steep slope bylaw is now ready to go to the public for comment. On Monday night, council passed first and second reading of the bylaw, which is a complement to the official community plan update.

Wolf hybrid to be killed

The wolf/dog hybrid continues to roam, and hunt, on Bowen and with efforts to capture and remove the beast having failed, the municipality has shifted its goal from capture to having the creature shot.

Ferry hike would affect two-thirds of islandersÂ’ habits: online survey

This might not surprise anyone but here goes... A online survey by the Bowen Island Ferry Advisory Committee shows that Islanders are very concerned about rising ferry costs. The survey was conducted online from late Feb. to April 1.

Black bear awakes

Well, it appears that one of Bowen's black bears is fully awake. The municipality is reporting that a black bear was seen near Josephine Lake on April 20.

Tax hike kept to 3%

Municipal council is on its way to reaching its goal of capping a tax increase at three per cent tax but that doesn't mean it's happy about the way it's getting there.