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Federal budget hits close to home

Federal budget hits close to home

When it comes to local issues, like say, housing, Ottawa can feel a million miles away. This year’s recently released federal budget, however, includes a few key components that may actually hit close to home.
Ron is still in Mexico...

Ron is still in Mexico...

... so we’ve decided to rerun some of those golden oldies.
The season of vote-splitting is upon us

The season of vote-splitting is upon us

I think that this year, spring has been on hold just like the provincial election: we all know it’s coming, but it’s not official until April 11.
The #1 Parenting Mistake Loving Moms Make!

The #1 Parenting Mistake Loving Moms Make!

Years back, my 87-year-old grandmother, who had seven children and 28 grandchildren, mused, “I feel rather sorry for mothers these days… they just expect so much of themselves.
Facts of Bowen-life

Facts of Bowen-life

Tourist season is coming up, so I think us locals should brush up on our local Bowen facts so that we can offer not only directions, but also interesting conversations to the tourist we encounter on the streets, beaches and shops.
No way out, only in

No way out, only in

Duality. Two sides to every story. Yin and Yang. Push and pull. You know: the stuff that makes up our life.
LETTER - Car2Go responds to Horseshoe Bay car-share users

LETTER - Car2Go responds to Horseshoe Bay car-share users

Dear Editor, The decision to end Car2Go service at Horseshoe Bay was not an easy one. We have been evaluating and researching the service extensively for over a year and we have already tried several different approaches to make the service work.
LETTER: Caring Circle still open despite construction

LETTER: Caring Circle still open despite construction

Dear Editor, Despite the construction work in and around Caring Circle, we are still open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
LETTER: Boycott the Environmental Assessment process

LETTER: Boycott the Environmental Assessment process

Dear Editor, We had already submitted our letter for this issue of the Undercurrent. But that was then, and this is now. In previous letters to this paper we have expressed our concerns with the Environmental review process.
Shifting the balance

Shifting the balance

A number of last week’s comments on International Women’s Day called on women to come together, to work together, to make things better.