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LETTER: Crippen Park equestrian riding ring rebuilt

LETTER: Crippen Park equestrian riding ring rebuilt

Dear Editor, On Sept. 10 and 11, with the help of members of the community, Bowen Island Horse Owners & Riders Association completely rebuilt the riding ring in the meadows. Our BIHORA group is not big and this was a major project for us.
LETTER: A comment on the Burnco mine proposal at McNab Creek

LETTER: A comment on the Burnco mine proposal at McNab Creek

Dear Editor, Here is a comment I just posted at the BC Environmental Assessment Office on the Burnco proposal for a mine at McNab Creek : I strongly protest Burnco’s proposed destruction of the McNab Estuary, and its conversion from a precious enviro
If Trump loses...

If Trump loses...

LETTER: Passing the torch: the Gym on Bowen

LETTER: Passing the torch: the Gym on Bowen

Dear Editor, What a strange Friday last week. After nine and a half years of Friday morning volunteering at Fawn Gill’s Gym on Bowen, I didn’t have a shift to go to.
LETTER: Concerned Citizens Bowen encourages public input

LETTER: Concerned Citizens Bowen encourages public input

Dear Editor, Howe Sound locals and tourists alike are celebrating the amazing return of Pacific White-sided dolphins, Grey and Orca whales, salmon, and the herring spawn that lies at the base of the aquatic foodweb.
LETTER: Good news? Bright ideas? I think not…

LETTER: Good news? Bright ideas? I think not…

Dear Editor, Stop Looking at the economy as something that needs to be perpetually growing and focus instead on the quality of life of Canadians???? Without economic growth you greenies will be shivering in the cold in your tree houses wondering wher
LETTER: Don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot

LETTER: Don’t pave paradise and put up a parking lot

Dear Editor: I have lived on Bowen Island for 20 years and I am adamantly against this new proposal for Lot 3 in Crippen Park.
Mt. Gardner

Mt. Gardner

Everything old is new again

Everything old is new again

Like that bucket of rubber boots of varying sizes my husband brought back from the Knick, Knack Nook this weekend: old boots to whichever kids outgrew them, new to my kids who will have dry feet on the cheap for years to come.
We are not an Island

We are not an Island

An occasional column of stories from the world beyond our beaches