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Shhh - Nesting Herons

Shhh - Nesting Herons

Dear Editor- It has been an eventful week since the heron article on the Undercurrent’s front page. Last Friday a food delivery truck dropped a ramp with a loud clang.
Uphold the OCP and the democratic process that created it

Uphold the OCP and the democratic process that created it

Dear Editor: As a Bowen property owner since 1975 who was involved - along with many others - with the extensive grass-roots efforts which created our original Official Community Plan, I express my heartfelt appreciation to you for giving Dr.
Ron Woodall's cartoon

Ron Woodall's cartoon

April 11, 2014
This week in Undercurrent History

This week in Undercurrent History

20 years ago in the Undercurrent Bowen Historians held their second annual pie contest. Judges included Bob Gillingham, Bert Davies, Lynn Piper and Iris Mather.
What Happened to the plans for revitalizing the lower Cove?

What Happened to the plans for revitalizing the lower Cove?

Dear Editor. The revitalization of the lower Cove has long been advocated, and in 2011 James Tuer was commissioned to draw up planning schemata.
It takes a village

It takes a village

Dear Editor, I blush to be described as a superwoman.
Eyes Closed, Mouth Open

Eyes Closed, Mouth Open

There is an old proverb that says, “An angry man closes his eyes and opens his mouth.” With that in mind, I write to offer a few comments on the letter Mr. Adelaar published in the Undercurrent last week. Mr.
Ferries and buses

Ferries and buses

To the Editor, It is rare that we have good news to report in the transportation area here on Bowen Island, but we do need to note that the West Vancouver Transit Blue Bus system does deserve our compliments. On Monday, April 7, the 5:25p.m.
The OCP: Where do we go from here?

The OCP: Where do we go from here?

Recent letters to the editor question the authenticity of Bowen’s Official Community Plan (OCP). Some of the language verges on a dismissive tone. The latter is unnecessary and unworthy of good governance.
Ron Woodall's cartoon. April 4, 2014

Ron Woodall's cartoon. April 4, 2014