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Local News

Public speaks out about OCP and bylaws

If you were to gauge public support for the updated Official Community Plan and its accompanying land use bylaws by the speakers at Saturday's public hearing, opinion would be pretty well split.

Skate park is up and running

There is a new skate park at the Bowen Youth Centre and non-youth skateboard enthusiasts will be happy to note it is open to the Bowen public.

Residents petition court to halt OCP process

Two Bowen Island residents are petitioning the courts to either stop the Bowen Island Municipality's Official Community Plan update process or force the municipality to hold more public consultation meetings.

ItÂ’s time for a summer cleaning spree on Bowen

Bowen Island Waste Services is holding its summer clean-up day July 16 from 9 to 5. Dave McIntosh says "We'd started 18 years ago with two free clean-ups but our population has doubled and there was a need for another," McIntosh said.

Metro to add new services to wring cash from parks

Dog wash stations and event tent rentals are just some of the money-making ideas Metro Vancouver intends to explore as it opens up its regional parks to more commerce.

Outdoor burning ban soon in effect

On Monday morning, Joanne Mogridge was on September Morn beach when she heard a child cry out. It turns out the child had stepped on a smouldering ember left over from a beachside campfire.

Spawning habitat gets a boost

Salmon go to great lengths to lay their eggs. And now, the Bowen Island Fish and Wildlife Club has some money to help them.

Rotary Club bestows Piers Hayes with one of its highest honours

The charter president of Bowen Island's Rotary Club was presented with one of Rotary's highest awards of distinction.

Summer programs teach kids how to sail

School is out and it is about time for summer to truly start on Bowen Island. To help celebrate summer the Bowen Island Yacht Club has prepared many sailing programs for both children and adults.

Bowen Court has long-term plan but short-term needs

Bowen Court has a plan for its financial stability. It just can't implement that plan until the municipality builds a new sewer line along Miller Road.