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Local News

Regional changes affect waste collection

Notices have gone out to Bowen households to inform islanders of the imminent changes to the island's waste collection.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle

Monday morning was the start of a three day legal strike that took our BC teachers to the streets with protest signs reading, " Teachers Taking a Stand".

Building a legacy

"I believe that the community centre is a necessity and not a luxury," Shari Ulrich, chair of the Bowen Community Centre Action Committee (BCCAC) said.

Burn, chip or ship?

The neighbours complained about burning at Eddie's Pit, as Ed Weismiller's J&E Backhoe Ltd. (J&E) site is referred to. Yet wood waste has accumulated there and, in an effort to deal with it, Weismiller acquired a horizontal tub grinder.

WhatÂ’s next for the Chamber?

A mix of newcomers and past members gathered at Evergreen Hall for the annual general meeting of the Bowen Island Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, Feb. 23.

No classes starting Monday

The B.C. Teachers' Association has served strike notice for Monday through Wednesday after teachers across the province endorsed the option in a province-wide vote.

Cohousing model a viable alternative

Council chambers were filled to capacity for the Belterra Cohousing public hearing on February 20. Many audience members wore Belterra buttons that identified them as equity and housing members.

Financing for child care programs in flux

New research shows that every dollar invested in early childhood education comes back six-fold, according to Ann Silberman, executive director of the Bowen Island Children's Centre. She thinks that everyone should have access to preschool programs.

CAO Brent Mahood finishes up two years on Bowen

The Bowen Island Municipality is again in the market for a Chief Administrative Officer as current CAO Brent Mahood is leaving at the end of February.

West Van Secondary students speak out about bullying

West Vancouver secondary school youth worker Leanne Warner didn't have any statistics on high school bullying off-hand. What she did bring to the Pink Shirt Day discussion at the school on Feb.