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Peter Smith Legacy for S.K.Y

Peter Smith Legacy for S.K.Y

Dear Editor, The family of long time Bowen resident Peter Smith have donated his almost new exercise bike to S.K.Y members and Bowen Court residents. The bike will be housed in the Hall Activity Room.
Helping hands

Helping hands

Dear Editor, I would like to extend a big thank you to all of the hard working volunteers who supported the 4th Annual Dive Against Debris in Mannion Bay: all the divers, boaters, and the lone kayaker, as well as the numerous shore hands who worked t
Mayor's message

Mayor's message

Dear Friends: With the municipal election process only days away, there has been speculation as to whether I will run for re-election as your Mayor.
The Minister of Transportation insults us all

The Minister of Transportation insults us all

Bowen Islander Chris Corrigan wrote the following letter to the provincial Minister of Transportation, Todd Stone. He also published the letter on his blog, Bowen Island Journal. Dear Mr. Stone.
This week in Undercurrent history

This week in Undercurrent history

25 years ago in the Undercurrent In her column ‘Island News’ Laura Cochrane professed, “Whenever I read or hear about complaints regarding the development of Bowen Island and the criticism directed at so-called “developers,” I can but shake my head.
First annual BI International Wine Tasting

First annual BI International Wine Tasting

Dear Editor, It was a cool misty evening when Peter (thank you for driving us all home too) brought the first busload of people to BI’s first International Wine tasting at the Lodge at the Old Dorm.
The good, the bad and the...

The good, the bad and the...

A wonderful day of tributes to our wonderful brother, Bob

A wonderful day of tributes to our wonderful brother, Bob

Thank you! Sunday, September 21 we held a gathering at the Legion for the many friends and family of our brother Bob, so that we could all share out thoughts on his life well lived.
“No brainer” idea does not sound smart

“No brainer” idea does not sound smart

Dear Editor, In response to the “no-brainer” solution for ferry line-up congestion that was featured in the September 12 issue of the Undercurrent, I am glad that we are pitching solutions for the issue.