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From pulp and paper to liquid natural gas

A former pulp mill near Squamish on the North West shores of Howe Sound may get a chance at a second life as a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) processing and export facility, now that the National Energy Board has approved the company's application to ex

‘Styro-spill’ exposes gaps in environmental enforcement

When Brian Hodgins found a large piece of styrofoam washed up on the beach near his house, gradually shredding into pieces with the tide, he dealt with it himself.

A big sculpture changes the feel of the place

"It's Stacy's brainchild," says Dan Waefler, pointing to a cube mounted on top of a smoothed out stump, a mini-version of what exists outside the shop. The small version is interesting, and intricate, the large version makes a statement.

Bowen needs status as a rural community

We may have a population of well under 4 thousand people, and we may not have any stoplights, but because Bowen Island is technically a part of Metro Vancouver, it is not defined as a rural community.

Communty initiatives can improve air quality

Here on Bowen, we have less traffic and more trees than in the city, so breathing clean air is one of the straightforward benefits to island-living that we can count on.

Taekwondo students demonstrate skill and discipline in performance test

To get her Yellow Belt, seven year-old Lucy Robichaud had to do a set of jumping jacks, fifty push-ups and break a board by performing an axe-kick.

Taekwondo students demonstrate skill and discipline in performance test

To get her Yellow Belt, seven year-old Lucy Robichaud had to do a set of jumping jacks, fifty push-ups and break a board by performing an axe-kick.

Bowen needs status as a “rural” community

We may have a population of well under 4 thousand people, and we may not have any stoplights, but because Bowen Island is technically a part of Metro Vancouver, it is not defined as a rural community.

A big sculpture changes the feel of the place

"It's Stacy's brainchild," says Dan Waefler, pointing to a cube mounted on top of a smoothed out stump, a mini-version of what exists outside the shop. The small version is interesting, and intricate, the large version makes a statement.

Bowen raises money for emergency aid in the Phillipines

Last November 23 and 24, in front of The Snug Cafe, members of the Rotary Club of Bowen Island set up a Shelterbox Tent as a demonstration project to raise funds in support of the Typhoon Haiyan relief effort.