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The funny side of the OCP

The funny side of the OCP

Is our Official Community Plan (OCP) the saving grace of Bowen Island or is it the document that stops everything from happening and leaves islanders with screaming all the way to the courthouse? This is a question to which I have no answer, and the
LETTER: Bowen Island Summer

LETTER: Bowen Island Summer

Summer ev’ning in the meadow, light and warm the breeze, tall the grasses, smell of hay.
LETTER: Harmony and the OCP

LETTER: Harmony and the OCP

Dear Editor, In response to Bud Long’s letter, I join Dave Witty in stating that my comments bore no relation to implementing the Official Community Plan “in an extreme form.
LETTER: Help! Bring colour to the office of the Bowen Island RCMP

LETTER: Help! Bring colour to the office of the Bowen Island RCMP

Dear Editor, I appreciate our little Bowen Island RCMP Detachment. It’s kept us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Many great officers have made it what it is today. However, I don’t think much thought went into it when it came to aesthetics.
Bambi on Bowen

Bambi on Bowen

LETTER: First understand the law, Mr. Long

LETTER: First understand the law, Mr. Long

Dear Editor, I MUST respond to Bud Long’s letter to the editor of June 19th. My letter of June 12th was written from a professional planner’s perspective.
LETTER: Martin Marine - Round Bowen Race

LETTER: Martin Marine - Round Bowen Race

Dear Editor, The Bowen Island Yacht Club (BIYC) held its 27th Annual Martin Marine Round Bowen Race on Saturday, June 13th.
LETTER: Fighting for democracy in Howe Sound

LETTER: Fighting for democracy in Howe Sound

Dear Editor: How appropriate is it for a company to hire PR firms, such as Hill + Knowlton and National Public Relations, to lobby the federal government all the way up into the Prime Minister’s Office? How appropriate is this when this company has t
LETTER: With gratitude to Bowen Island, from a Dad

LETTER: With gratitude to Bowen Island, from a Dad

Dear Editor, Bowen does a few things really well – like Hallowe’en and Remembrance Day for starters. But it does one thing really, really well – this village sure knows how to raise kids.
Seizing an Alternative

Seizing an Alternative

There I was in Claremont, California – philosophers to the right of me, scientists to the left – attending Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization. The conference was the brain -child of John Cobb Jr.